A Little Sound

A Little Sound

She’s an artist you’ve most likely crossed paths with over the past year or so. Maybe you’ve had your ears perked by one of her dreamy vocal hooks? Or maybe you caught the epic Stay at Home Festival set where she surprised everyone with some impromptu MCing? Either way, A Little Sound is a name causing a lot of commotion right now.

But Abigail Kate’s career could have been very different. Originally following the path of musical theatre, gun fingers and basslines weren’t always in this vocalist’s script. But, just like many of us in the scene, once we experience D&B it’s near impossible to break free from its charm. Let’s be real though, who would want to? A Little Sound certainty doesn’t. Originally discovered in 2019 after uploading acoustic covers to her YouTube channel, over the two years since she has already penned two singles to UKF in the form of Lakota with Technimatic and Overload with Annix, alongside further collaborations with the likes of Kanine, Gray, Levela and Shapes.